Welcome back!


I, Gretchen, am indeed still alive and kicking

in the black hole that is the Mid-West.

I keep finding things to do out here.

Never fear, I will go coastal again, I promise.


I am not updating this site often, as you may have noticed, because the blogging software broke. And while I know I could figure out how to fix it, or get new blogging software, a new obsession has taken over my internet life…






I have been learning more about the fine art of taking and editing pictures and posting them on deviantart.com, a pretty cool artist community website. I tried the whole myspace and blogger thing when my blog broke but they just were not that interesting.




So… come check out what I have been up to lately. I do still journal on that site, though it is more photography related. But if you want to know what I am up to, the pictures tell the tale, as I have been photographically documenting many of my friends and activities over the last few months.




If you create a profile on the site (it is free, you just have to put up wth ads), you can actually comment on my work and leave messages. I have never gotten any spam from them so they are a very legit site.


Oh, did I mention the web address?




Hope to see you there!